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Charak Puja-one of the traditional folk festival in rural Bangladesh

Charak Puja is a traditional Bangladeshi festival celebrated mainly in the rural areas by the Hindus. This Puja is also known as ’’Nil Puja’’, ’’ Hajrha Puja’’ or ‘’Batri  Charak’’. The believers of the Hindu religion celebrate this puja on the last day of Chaitra month (Chaitra is the last month of Bangla calendar). Charak puja is also popular as ‘’Chaitra Songkranti’’. The day of Charak Puja is also known as ‘’Gajan’’. The Hindus believe that the festival will carry prosperity by eliminating the sorrow and the sufferings of the previous year. The Puja festival is actually a festival to satisfy ‘’Lord Shiva’ ’the great ‘’Debadideb’’ of Hindu religion and to be blessed with happiness and prosperity by the Lord Shiva.

Uzbek couples: talk about divorce before wedding

Today's Uzbek ethnic group continues to follow their traditional customs and etiquettes in marriage. According to their customs, the eldest child should marry first. Younger brothers or sisters shouldn't get married before their elder brothers or sisters.
Marriages between people in the Uzbek ethnic group should include three steps: the marriage proposal, the exchange of betrothal gifts and the wedding ceremony. The first two steps are similar to those of other ethnic groups. But wedding ceremonies of Uzbek people are quite unique with distinctive features.
Divorce Compensation
Before the wedding ceremony begins, the bride and groom's parents ....

Folk Dances of Rajasthan

Folk dances of Rajasthan include various folk art forms. The traditional dances of this region are absolutely colourful and energetic.
Terahtali Dance Folk dances of Rajasthan derived from various folk art cultures. They have their own significance and importance. A medieval history includes the existence of princely states, which provided patronage to these art forms and their artists. Vibrant, vigorous and graceful, the dances of Rajasthan evoke the desert in all its moods. The folk dances, found in limitless variations in Rajasthan, punctuate Rajasthan`s barrenness, turning the land into a fertile basin of colour and creativity and ...

Fighting poverty pay in Bangladesh

Garment workers are fighting against poverty wages in Bangladesh. In the teeth of fierce state repression, including beatings, arbitrary arrest and death threats, the vast majority of the country’s 2-3 million garment workers, predominantly women, in around 4,000 factories, have been taking strike and protest action over recent months.
On 29 July, the government announced that it would increase the minimum wage ...

Poverty in India

Poverty in India is a major issue. Rural Indians depend on unpredictable agriculture incomes, while urban Indians rely on jobs that are, at best, scarce.
Since its independence, the issue of poverty within India has remained a prevalent concern. As of 2010, more than 37% of India’s population of 1.35 billion still lives below the poverty line. More than 22% of the entire rural population and 15% of the urban population of India exists in this difficult physical and financial predicament.
Poverty Situation
The division of resources, as well as wealth, is uneven in India - this disparity creates different poverty ratios for different states. For instance, states such as Delhi and Punjab have low ...

Middle years skin care

Suddenly you wake up one day and you are 40!There are little tell-tale lines around the eyes, skin that was oily is suddenly dry, or is dull; laugh lines don't disappear even after you have stopped smiling; hands seem harder, not to mention crinklier. Grey hair has been spotted.
All hell breaks loose! Age has caught up with us and we embark on a quest to find the magic potion that will stop the passage of time and keep us young forever.
Well ...I'm not offering you the fountain of youth or the magic potion but I can tell you how to care for yourself.
There are many grandmothers who visit La Belle and I'm amazed at how good .... 


Healthy Eating: Guide to New Food Pyramids and Tips for a Healthy Diet
Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible– all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you.
Healthy eating begins with learning how to “eat smart”—it’s not just what you eat, but ...

Equality in India

This paper begins by briefing about the marginal position occupied by the indian woman in the society and also in the political process due to socio-economic constraints. It outlines the evolution of the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) against this backdtrop. It then gives a brief account of the position of women in the PRIs before the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act. Finally, it examines the probable role of women in the context of the 73 rd Amendment Act. It examines whether women will be able to exercise political power through this system, what hurdles are there on their way, and finally how they can overcome these?

Gender equality through reservation in decision-making Bodies
This article discusses the need for political empowerment of women through reservation in its ... 

Violence against Women in India

While the women's organisations in India have opposed individual acts of violence against women ranging from amniocentesis, female infanticide, rape, dowry deaths and sati , there has been little attention given to the theoretical understanding of the causes of violence. The essay therefore discusses some recent Indian feminist theorising of violence by activist leaders closely involved in movements of women as peasants, forest dwellers and members of the lower castes. The author, while discussing violence in traditional Marxist and Radical Feminist theories delves into the emerging theories of violence in India. The essay focuses ... 

Society to Uplift Social Harmony

Society to Uplift Social Harmony is a Non Government Organization (NGO) consisting of a team of highly experienced Professionals of different discipline but in common Social ground working together to elevate Social Problems, Unrest, and Differences etc. Society to Uplift Social Harmony as a Social Welfare Organization registered in Social Welfare Authority under Ministry of Social Welfare, Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, aiming to provide much better social service to our society.
We want to develop social harmony among different Races, Religions, Tribes, Family and different work group we have establishes our social organization Society to Uplift Social Harmony in short SUSH means `Breathing’. To achieve and establish the Human Rights among all the society “to live without fear, to elevate hunger, to have a healthy home, to ensure education” our Organization is working among the Under Privileged group as well as the Privileged one for a long time. Our goal is not only to develop the status ...


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