Society to Uplift Social Harmony

Society to Uplift Social Harmony is a Non Government Organization (NGO) consisting of a team of highly experienced Professionals of different discipline but in common Social ground working together to elevate Social Problems, Unrest, and Differences etc. Society to Uplift Social Harmony as a Social Welfare Organization registered in Social Welfare Authority under Ministry of Social Welfare, Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, aiming to provide much better social service to our society.
We want to develop social harmony among different Races, Religions, Tribes, Family and different work group we have establishes our social organization Society to Uplift Social Harmony in short SUSH means `Breathing’. To achieve and establish the Human Rights among all the society “to live without fear, to elevate hunger, to have a healthy home, to ensure education” our Organization is working among the Under Privileged group as well as the Privileged one for a long time. Our goal is not only to develop the status ...
and thinking of Underprivileged group but also to make understand the High Society Groups that we all together is a Society. Light has no brightness if we don’t share with the Dark.
Since its inception, the organization has engaged in different social welfare activity like informal child education, community healthcare & sanitation, awareness rising on AIDS & other harmful diseases, different gender issues etc.
 The main motto of Society to Uplift Social Harmony is to provide best services to their clients to achieve the best, economic, most suitable and sustainable system to develop the Society.
Through ceaseless endeavors since its establishment in 2005, Society to Uplift Social Harmony (SUSH) has involved an effective and replicable model for poverty eradication and sustainable development. SUSH process of poverty eradication and promotion of sustainable development is dependent on the human and material capacity building of the poor and their socio-economic and cultural empowerment & specially working for the establishment of the helpless women of our society, like as the divorced women, left behind wives, the victims of Acid cause, the victims of rape cause and others tortured Women of our Society. SUSH is giving practical skill development training (making ladies dress and baby dress) to make them solvent. When a helpless lady gets the training then they can earn money by their own capacity.
Poverty in Bangladesh is widespread. Half of the countries 123 million population lives bellow the poverty line. It has the highest rate of malnutrition in South Asia and one of the lowest adult literacy rates in the world (WB 1997). About 57 percent of the adult population is illiterate. There is only one doctor for every 4,903 people and one hospital bed for every 3,473 people (FFYP 1997). The position of poor women is doubly vulnerable— being poor and being women. They suffer from discrimination in the intra-household distribution of assets.
SUSH could rightly assess that mass poverty in Bangladesh stems from structural deprivation. It is caused by the interplay of several factors such as unequal distribution of productive assets; inequitable distribution of income; unemployment and under-employment; low level of human resource development; lack of people’s access to public institutions and services; patriarchal social system; environmental pollution and degradation; lack of good governance and the failure of mainstream development programs to reach the poor.
To date, 1200 helpless women have received SUSH’s formal and non-formal human development and practical skill development training and now all of them are solvent. SUSH also organizes various workshops for the development of leadership qualities among the poor women. This ultimately leads them to their social empowerment.
In order to combat poverty of the helpless women and face the fundamental problems, SUSH has planned to carry over, consolidate and extend the on-going activities as well as expand its area coverage. During 2011- 2013 SUSH’s coverage of area will be increased 1,000 villages, 50 slums and 70 area development centers (ADCs). Expansion in 8 Upazilas will also be done. About 1.4 million members representing about 1.2 million poor households will be poverty-free.
This means that, SUSH will contribute to about a large percent reduction of overall poverty in Bangladesh.

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